Ok, on with the program:
If they train, consistently, they will chemically transform their own mind/body.
If they train, they will see/feel results.
If they train, they will begin to understand things about what you offer them that are invisible without a reasonable amount of mat-time.
Training is the foundation that supports the structure above it.
Training is the shoes, clothes, canteen, map, and meals needed for the trip.
Everything above, coincidently, is also the key to enjoying and receiving genuine benefit from the UBBT process.
If a student joins your school but doesn’t train, how long does it take them to find the justification not to continue? How long is it before they open the book, “1001 Reasons Why Your School Isn’t for Them,” or the even more popular, “100 Certifiably Genuine Excuses About Being Too Busy.”
The truth? You can’t charge enough –or too little –to someone who isn’t training, as the key to all the locks begins with a student’s feet on the mat, with an elevated heart rate, with the mind absorbed in the movements.
If you don’t train in the UBBT like this is your personal Olympics, it won’t be long until you find the genuine justification for quitting a program that required you to pledge not to quit, when you began.
And now, these ideas translated into a letter to your students:
Dear Student (and/or Parents and Loved Ones of a Student):
First, thank you for becoming a member of my school.
Now I am going to reveal a “secret” to you; it is the information that will make what happens here a life-enhancing experience –or another “activity” among many.
Training in classes and with home-practice is the key that unlocks all of the benefits from the study of the martial arts. “Training” means coming to classes consistently and for an extended period of time.
If you train, you transform.
If you don’t train, you won’t be able to find the reasons to continue paying for lessons and attending classes.
With training, your body and mind react and respond –and a lot of other “things” take place inside of you, things that are difficult to describe, but that serve you in many ways.
All of the promises we make about what the study of the martial arts can do –are contingent upon regular and focused practice.
So my first priority is to get you to attend your classes in a consistent and regular fashion. Trust me, regular attendance has a huge payoff, so huge that I can’t even find the words to describe what you’re going to experience.
The second priority is to teach you how to practice, as it is practice above all other things that builds skill, confidence, mental focus, determination, and the ability to overcome obstacles.
Thank you for your membership; for me, your participation here is of the utmost importance. The two things about the martial arts that I hold most sacred are regular practice and the ability to overcome any obstacles as I proceed on my journey.
My goal is bring you a clear understanding of the magic that happens when intention and commitment meet in the same place. If I may ever be of assistance, if you ever need a reminder or help with your training, don’t hesitate to contact me. I wouldn’t be here today if someone else hadn’t helped me, too.
With respect,
Your Name
------------If you're in the UBBT and/or the 100 --and these programs haven't caused
you to commit yourself to regular and disciplined martial arts training (in a way
like never before), then you're off track.
It will be very, very difficulut to keep you growing, to get you to understand your potential, or to show valid proof to the world of what we're capable of --and what the real benefits of the martial are ---if you aren't the old karate/aikido/gung fu/tkd/or what-have-you master practitioner who, day after day, training after training, puts on the uniform and sweats with the intention of not just understanding the art --but transcend it.

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